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Showing posts from January, 2019

Stormy welcome of 2019

PABUK STORM Look around, look up, yes, those 3 story building there? yes, hold that in your thought please. Now, imagine how it feels when you jump off from top of that building on an endless bungee springs overnight. Dizzy ain't it not? Waves propagated at 8.5 meter crest high during Pabuk Storm hits last Wednesday (2.1.2019). As ugly as it gets, as horror as it seems we are blessed to be surrounded by a team of experts in our support circles. Our operation received a heads up on the events days prior and necessary preventive measure are being implemented according to Emergency Response Guide. Petronas also activated Emergency Responce Team with ECC actively sharing out weather conditions (PMA). ( ). Linearly propagated to our zero aim and aspiration, zero incidents were recorded from this mischievous event.